From delayed reactive medical services to evidence-based Predictive, Preventive & Personalised Medicine.

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EPMA Journal

The Official Journal of the European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine.

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PPPM Book series

The Book series of the European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine.

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About EPMA

The main objective of the EPMA is to promote the paradigm change from delayed reactive medical services to evidence-based Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine (PPPM) as an integrated science and healthcare practice.

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National Representatives of EPMA in Australia

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National Representative of EPMA in Austria

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National Board of EPMA in Azerbaijan (currently under creation)

EPMA Representation in Azerbaijan

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National Representative of EPMA in Belarus

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National Representative of EPMA in Belgium

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National Representative of EPMA in Brazil

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National Representative of EPMA in Bulgaria

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National Representative of EPMA in Canada

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National EPMA Board in China

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National Representative of EPMA in Croatia

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National Representative of EPMA in Cyprus

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National Board of EPMA in Czech Republic

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National Representative of EPMA in Denmark

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National Representative of EPMA in Estonia

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National Representative of EPMA in Finland

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National Representatives of EPMA in France

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National Representative of EPMA in Georgia

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National EPMA Board in Germany

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National EPMA Board in Ghana

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National Representative of EPMA in Greece

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National Representatives of EPMA in Hungary

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National Representative of EPMA in Iceland

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National Representative of EPMA in India

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National Representative of EPMA in Ireland

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National Representative of EPMA in Israel

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National EPMA Board in Italy

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National EPMA Board in Japan

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National Representative of EPMA in Latvia

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National Representative of EPMA in Lithuania

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National Representative of EPMA in Luxembourg

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National Representative of EPMA in Macedonia

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National Representative of EPMA in Malta

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National Representative of EPMA in Mexico

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National Representative of EPMA in New Zealand

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National Representative of EPMA in Norway (currently under creation)

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National Representative of EPMA in Panama

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National Representative of EPMA in Poland

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National Representative of EPMA in Portugal

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National Representatives of EPMA in Romania

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National Board of EPMA in Russia

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National Representative of EPMA in Serbia & Montenegro

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National Board of EPMA in Slovak Republic

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National Representative of EPMA in South Korea

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National Board coordinator

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National Representative of EPMA in Sweden

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National Representation of EPMA in Switzerland

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National Representative of EPMA in Taiwan

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National Board Coordinator

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National Representative of EPMA in Tunisia

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National EPMA Board in Turkey

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National Representative of EPMA in Ukraine

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National Board of EPMA in the UK

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National Board of EPMA in USA (currently under creation)

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Industrial board

Members of the board are professionals strictly selected according to their unique and excellent worldwide acknowledged issue-related qualification.

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Institutional members 

All institutional organisations active at European or national level and involved in activities that are compatible with EPMA’s projects and objectives.

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Partner organisations

Organisations partners of EPMA and with whom EPMA has signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

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