From delayed reactive medical services to evidence-based Predictive, Preventive & Personalised Medicine.
PPPM Book series
Book Series “Advances in Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine”
Springer Nature
What this book series is about…
Current healthcare: What is behind the issue?
For many acute and chronic disorders, the current healthcare outcomes are considered as being inadequate: global figures cry for preventive measures and personalised treatments. In fact, severe chronic pathologies such as cardiovascular disorders, diabetes and cancer are treated after onset of the disease, frequently at near end-stages. Pessimistic prognosis considers pandemic scenario for type 2 diabetes mellitus, neurodegenerative disorders and some types of cancer over the next 10-20 years followed by the economic disaster of healthcare systems in a global scale.
Advanced healthcare tailored to the person: What is beyond the issue?
Advanced healthcare promotes the paradigm change from delayed interventional to predictive medicine tailored to the person, from reactive to preventive medicine and from disease to wellness. The innovative Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine (PPPM) is emerging as the focal point of efforts in healthcare aimed at curbing the prevalence of both communicable and non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, cancer and dental pathologies. The cost-effective management of diseases and the critical role of PPPM in modernisation of healthcare have been acknowledged as priorities by global and regional organizations and health-related institutions such as the Organisation of United Nations, the European Union and the National Institutes of Health.
Why integrative medical approach by PPPM as the medicine of the future?
PPPM is the new integrative concept in healthcare sector that enables to predict individual predisposition before onset of the disease, to provide targeted preventive measures and create personalised treatment algorithms tailored to the person. The expected outcomes are conducive to more effective population screening, prevention early in childhood, identification of persons at-risk, stratification of patients for the optimal therapy planning, prediction and reduction of adverse drug-drug or drug-disease interactions relying on emerging technologies, such as pharmacogenetics, pathology-specific molecular patters, sub/cellular imaging, disease modelling, individual patient profiles, etc. Integrative approach by PPPM is considered as the medicine of the future. Being at the forefront of the global efforts, the European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine (EPMA) promotes the integrative concept of PPPM among healthcare stakeholders, governmental institutions, educators, funding bodies, patient organisations and in the public domain.
Current Book Series, published by Springer in collaboration with EPMA, overview multidisciplinary aspects of advanced bio/medical approaches and innovative technologies. Integration of individual professional groups into the overall concept of PPPM is a particular advantage of this book series. Expert recommendations focus on the cost-effective management tailored to the person in health and disease. Innovative strategies are considered for standardisation of healthcare services. New guidelines are proposed for medical ethics, treatment of rare diseases, innovative approaches to early and predictive diagnostics, patient stratification and targeted prevention in healthy individuals, persons at-risk, individual patient groups, sub/populations, institutions, healthcare economy and marketing.